Never stop running and never stop exploring are the principles that drive my professional life.
Studying different concepts, cultures, perspectives, and ways we are influenced by our environment gave me a good understanding of Risk Management.
My excitement for technology and efficiency as well as my firm belief that knowledge and relationships are essential success factors for Financial Institutions pathed the way to create Q-Lana, an open banking platform.
Giving back already at the early stages has been one of the reasons for creating Proyecto Horizonte in 2004. This, as well as my work in the impact investment industry, has shaped my perspectives on Social Impact.
I combine this with some impressions from my travels and general musing about subjects that just cross my mind.
Deriving from the signature statement of Steve Bartlett (The Diary of a CEO): Without further ado, this is my Blog. I hope nobody reads it, but if you are, please keep it to yourself.
Christian Ruehmer